International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship 2021
For the purpose of satisfying the growing demands of the international community for Chinese language teachers and facilitating Chinese language education in other countries, The Center for Language Education and Cooperation (CLEC) will continue with the International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship. Confucius Institutes, independently operated Confucius Classrooms, certain HSK test centers, Chinese language (education) departments of foreign universities, professional associations for Chinese language instruction of other countries, Chinese embassies (consulates) abroad may recommend outstanding students and currently-employed Chinese language teachers to study International Chinese Language Education or related majors in Chinese universities and colleges. 华北理工大学作为接收院校之一,欢迎世界各国学生和教师申请奖学金来我校学习。 As one of the host universities, North China University of Science and Technology(NCUST) welcomes students and Chinese language teachers from all over the world to apply for scholarships to study in our university 华北理工大学是一所以工、医为主,理、经、管、文、法、艺、教等多科性协调发展,具有本科教育、博士硕士研究生教育、留学生教育、继续教育等教育类别和层次的省属重点骨干大学。在U.S.News2021世界大学排行榜,学校位居内地高校第154位,河北省第2位。 North China University of Science and Technology is one of the top-ranking universities in Hebei province. It has a comprehensive range of disciplines covering 9 categories: science, engineering, humanities, medicine, economics, management, law, education and art, taking engineering and medicine as its backbone. Education programs at different levels are provided for doctors, masters, bachelors, international students and adult students. NCUST ranks 161st in Best Global Universities in China and 2nd in Hebei province according to the 2020 U.S. News Rankings. 学校现有全日制学生43491人,其中本科生33111人、博士和硕士研究生4189人、留学生256人。学校现有教职工3692人,其中专任教师2239人,具有博士学位的教师671人;具有教授、副教授等高级职称教师1133人。 NCUST is currently attended by 43,491 full time students, including 33,111 undergraduates, 4,189 master and PhD candidates, and 256 international students. At present, it has 3,692 professional and technical personnel, including 2,239 full-time teachers, including 671 teachers with doctorate degrees, and 1,133 teachers with senior professional titles. 2021年华北理工大学国际中文教师奖学金申请办法如下。 The following is the application procedure for 2021 International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship, North China University of Science and Technology. 一、申请人基本条件 Applicants Requirements 1.非中国籍人士。 Non-Chinese citizen 2.身心健康,品学兼优的孔子学院学员。 Students registered at any Confucius Institute who is healthy, and with good character, good academic performance. 3.有志于从事汉语教育、教学及汉语国际推广相关工作。 Interested in Chinese language education, teaching, and the international promotion. 4.出生日期在1986年9月1日至2005年8月31日之间。如果是在职汉语教师,出生日期在1976年9月1日至2005年8月31日之间。 The date of birth for the applicants should be from September 1, 1986 to August 31, 2005. The date of birth for Chinese language teacher should be from September 1, 1976 to August 31, 2005. 二、奖学金类别与条件 Scholarship Categories and Requirements 1.一学年研修生Scholarship for One-Academic-Year Study 2021年9月入学,资助期限为11个月。不录取在华留学生。 The program commences in September 2021, and provides scholarship for a maximum of eleven months. International students currently studying in China are not eligible.
2.一学期研修生Scholarship for One Semester Study 2021年9月入学,资助期限为5个月。不录取护照上有X1、X2签证者。 The program commences either in September 2021 or March 2022, and provides scholarship of a maximum of five months. Applicants holding the X1 or X2 visa are not eligible.
3.四周研修生Scholarship for Four-Week Study 2021 年 7 月入学,资助期限为 4 周。不录取护照上有X1、X2 签证者。 The program commences either in July or December 2021, and provides a four-week scholarship. Applicants holding the X1 or X2 visa are not eligible. 汉语研修、中医、太极文化、汉语言+中国家庭体验等方向,具有 HSK 成绩。可由推荐机构组团进行报名,并事先联系华北理工大学国际教育中心确定在华学习计划,提前报中心审批,每团 10-15 人。 Chinese Study, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Taiji Culture, Chinese Language plus Home-Stay Experience in a Chinese Family, Special Four-week Program for Confucius Institutes. An HSK test score is required. The program may be organized and applied for by a recommending institution with 10-15 participants per group. Prior to the trip, a detailed study plan shall be made in consultation with International Education College NCUST and such plan shall be submitted to CLEC for approval. 三、资助内容 Scholarship Coverage 孔子学院奖学金资助内容包括:学费、住宿费、生活费(四周研修生除外)和综合医疗保险费。 Confucius Institute Scholarship covers: tuition, accommodation, monthly allowance (except for four weeks scholarship) and comprehensive insurance. 1.学费 Tuition 拨付给学校,包括学生的培养与管理费用,以及学生参加一次HSK考试和一次HSKK考试的费用。学费不包括教材费。 Tuition is paid to the university, for the training and management of the students, one HSK test fee and one HSKK test fee. Textbooks are excluded. 2.住宿费 Accommodation 拨付给学校,由学校提供免费的双人间住宿。 Accommodation is for the university. Free double room is available for the students. 3.生活费 Monthly Allowance 一学年和一学期研修生的生活费是2500元/月。奖学金生在学期间因个人原因离开中国时间超过15天的(不含寒暑假),停发离华期间的生活费。奖学金生因个人原因休学退学或者受到纪律处分者,停发自休学退学或者接受纪律处分通知之日起的生活费。 Monthly allowance for Scholarship for One-Academic-Year or One Semester Students is 2500 Yuan per month. The allowance will cease to be paid for the student who leaves China for more than 15 days with personal reasons (excluding summer/winter vocations). The allowance will cease to be paid for the students, who applies for discontinuing the study or receives disciplinary action from the university. 4.综合医疗保险 Comprehensive Insurance 四、申请流程 Application Procedure 1.联系并选择推荐单位Contact and choose a recommending institution. 通常情况下,你应该联络你就读的孔子学院作为推荐单位。运营半年以上的孔子学院/独立设置的孔子课堂: 通过 查询。 Usually, the Confucius Institute which you registered should be the recommending institution. Confucius Institutes, independently operated classrooms with the history for more than half a year (can be found at 2.在线申请 Online Application 2021年3月1日起,申请者请登录奖学金网站(,在线注册、填写奖学金申请表并附上传有关证明材料电子扫描件。 Applicants log in scholarship website , register then fill in the application on line, and upload all the required documents since March 1, 2021. 3.面试 Interview 我校进行远程面试或委托推荐单位面试,审核入学资格,语合中心对符合条件者进行综合评审,择优录取。 North China University of Science and Technology will make an interview then make the review. CLEC will review again for the qualified applicants, and then make the final decision. 4.录取 Admission 我校与获奖学生确认留学意向后,将寄发录取通知材料。 After North China University of Science and Technology make the final confirmation, admission documents for the students will be posted to the students. 五、申请截止日期 Application Deadline
六、华北理工大学联系方式 Contact Information for North China University of Science and Technology 联系人/Contact Person:韩老师 Mr. Han 地址:河北省唐山市曹妃甸新城渤海大道21号 华北理工大学国际教育中心 邮编:063210 Address: International Education College, North China University of Science and Technology, No. 21, Bohai Road, Caofeidian Xincheng, Tangshan 063210, Hebei, China 咨询电话Tel: 0086-315-8816052 七、常见问题 FAQ 1. 问:我正在中国学习,可以直接向学校申请这个奖学金吗? Q: I am studying in China now, and may I apply for this scholarship to the university directly? 答:不可以。只有孔子学院的学员才可以申请。所有的孔子学院都不在中国。 A: No, you can’t. Only the registered students at any Confucius Institute can apply. All the Confucius Institutes are not in China. 2. 问:华北理工大学的这个奖学金有多少名额? Q:How many students can win this scholarship? 答:语合中心会审核所有的申请,选择最好的学生授予奖学金。所以并不知道华北理工大学能有多少人获得奖学金。 CLEC will review all the applicants, and choose the best to award the scholarship. We don’t know how many students can win the scholarship to study in NCUST. 3. 问:我能通过这个奖学金申请来华北理工大学读本科、硕士或者博士吗? Q:May I apply for bachelor, master or PhD in NCUST with this scholarship? 答:不能。 A: No. 4. 问:申请这个奖学金需要在华北理工大学网站上在线申请吗? Q: Do I need to apply online at NCUST website for this scholarship? 答:申请阶段不用在华北理工大学网站报名。请根据本说明,在奖学金网站(申报。 A: No, you don’t need to apply online at NCUST website during the application period. Please follow this instruction to make the application at . 5. 问:我在申报时间段任何时间递交申请都一样吗? Q: Is it the same for me to submit the application at any time during the application period? 答:并不是,根据语合中心的规则,如果某个项目申请量特别大,会提前结束报名。我们建议你准备好所有的文件之后马上做申请。 A: No. The application system may close in advance due to huge amount of applications in according to CLEC rules. You are suggested to submit the application as soon as you prepared all the necessary files. 6. 问:我的申请结果什么时候会揭晓?语合中心会给我发邮件吗? Q: When can I have the results? Will CLEC send me an email? 答:请自己登陆申请系统查询结果。如果通过申请,语合中心会给你发送电子邮件。请注意,如果你申请失败,语合中心是不会通知你的。 A: Please log-in the system to check your result. If you have been awarded to the scholarship, there will be an auto-sent email from CLEC. Please note that if your application failed, you will not have the result email from CLEC.